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Ontario Young Riders Path to the Championships!

$13,594 CAD raised of $10,000 goal

42 donors

Project Notes:

Help support the 2024 Ontario Eventing Young Riders team get to Maryland at the Beginning of July for the North American Young Riders Championships! Your support in any form means the world to us!

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    Fundraiser created 4 months 4 days ago

    Saffron Klotz is the organizer of this fundraiser.

For each of us, the opportunity to compete at Young Riders has long been a cherished dream as we’ve progressed up the ranks of this sport. This year, the culmination of relentless effort and unwavering dedication has seen many of these aspirations materialize into reality. Amidst the excitement leading up to the competition, the financial demands of this endeavor often fade into the background. Entry fees, stabling, lodging, food, transportation, and coaching are just a few of the expenses which add up to a great sum for us as we plan our journey to the championships. We would love to share the journey with you and make you feel like a part of the team. Your support, in any form, would mean the world to us. Together, let's turn these dreams into shared triumphs! 

We are hosting a garden party and silent auction to support the journey to the Young Rider Championships in Maryland this July. The Garden party will include good food, drinks, music, and a chance to bid on some fantastic items in our silent auction! Come out to enjoy a fun time with our community, meet other young riders and the selected team which will be representing Ontario! If you can't make it to the garden party, buying a ticket, a direct donation, or donating an item for the silent auction is a great way to show your support. Every bit of help makes a big difference for these dedicated athletes to lighten the cost of the big competition and travel down to the US. 

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Update (10)

12 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

Join us for our Garden Party on Saturday June 22nd from 2-5pm in Vaughan! Food, drinks, music, silent auction, and a fun social Event!

17 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

*** HOT OFF THE PRESS *** The OEA U25 Committee and the 2024 Selectors are pleased to announce the following rider and horse combinations to represent Ontario at the NAYC Championships in Maryland this July.

A heartfelt thank you to our selectors, and all our riders, parents, grooms, coaches and organizers. It takes a village and we could not develop our future talent squad without your support!

This year we had the most riders qualify, since the program was re-launched in 2019.

Congratulations to the following rider/horse combinations:

CCI 1 *

Olivia MacLeod and Watch Me Skip Away
Alexandra Wickett and Philanthropy
Alexa Maclaren and Allemande
Avery Tallman and BDE Olympic Royale
plus Avery Tallman and Rehy Investor

(Avery Tallman will ride one horse as an individual and one horse on the team)

CCI 2*

Saffron Klotz and Ballingowen Clarity
Chelsea Lowe and Fernhill Malito Park

CCI 3 *

Megane Sauve and Nuance

More to come over the next few days. A heartfelt congratulations to our riders and horses representing Ontario and Canada this July in Maryland!

Special thank you to our amazing Chef d'equipe Kendal Lehari!

20 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

Want to support but don't know how/how much to donate?! Here's an overview of the cost that each of us are facing for the upcoming trip to young riders! We will leave on June 3rd. Competition starts on Friday the 3rd running through till Sunday the 5th! Anything helps us lighten the load of all these expenses! Thank you so much for your support!

Treats for our horses: $10 

Shavings: $10/bag, $50/horse

Grain for the week/horse: $25

Hay for the week/horse: $30

Food for the Athlete: $75/day

Health papers: $150

Farrier: $250

Stabling/ horse for all days: $410

Hotel: $700+

Entry fee/person: $750

shipping+gas/horse: $1000


27 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

Meet Meg! 

Hi, I’m Megane Sauve. My mare Nuance and I have been a team for the past 6 years and we have gone from little schooling shows in Quebec to intermediate level together. We got to represent Canada at the NAYC in 2022 at the 2*  level and I am super excited to have the opportunity to go again this year. This time in the 3*! 

We both are competitive and try our best at shows but we also know how to relax and enjoy a bareback hack in the field. 

My funny nickname for my mare : Potato

27 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

Meet Chelsea! 

Hi, my name is Chelsea Lowe, and I have been selected with my horse, Fernhill Malito Park, to compete in the CCI2*S division at the North American Young Rider Championships in Maryland this July! Fernhill Malito Park, otherwise known as Toby in the barn, is a 7-year-old Irish Sport Horse gelding I have been riding for over two years. Toby is all business on the field, but he's like a giant golden retriever puppy in the barn! His personality caught my attention initially; his love for people and his fun and curious nature set him apart from other horses. His talent and competitive drive make him an absolute joy to ride and compete. I couldn't ask for a better partner for the championships. 

My journey in eventing began at the age of seven, and now, at 19, I have been training with the incredible Jessica Phoenix for over five years! She has given me the tools I needed to reach Young Riders and continues to support me in my journey and goals in the sport. I couldn't have come this far without her guidance and support!

I would also like to thank Chef d'équipe, Kendal Lehari, and all the selectors for their constant support and encouragement! None of this would have been possible without them!

27 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

Meet Saffron! 

My name is Saffron Klotz, and I am partnered with my 9-year-old Irish Sport Horse gelding, Ballingowan Clarity, affectionately known as Peanut. As we start on our fifth season together, we are thrilled to have been selected for the second time to represent Ontario/Canada at the upcoming North American Young Riders Championships in Maryland this July, competing in the 2* division. Reflecting on our first experience two seasons ago, I am eager to further develop my skills on challenging courses and connect with other young riders from the US. It was a career highlight for me, and I am eager to build upon that achievement.

The partnership Peanut and I share is amazing; he consistently gives his best effort with a smile on his face. Over this past year, he has matured greatly, now feeling, moving, and looking his absolute best. He excels in jumping and is so fun to ride in dressage. Despite his imposing size, Peanut is incredibly laid-back, akin to a Labrador, which adds to his charm. Ironically, he is allergic to peanuts, a fact we discovered after he was named by my sister! Two years ago, I relocated from Ottawa to Uxbridge to train under Kendal Lehari, and I am so grateful for the huge role she plays in both mine and Peanut's development, enabling us to be ready and selected for Young Riders!

27 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

Meet Alexandra! 

Hi, My name is Alexandra Wickett and I’m competing in the CCI1* at Young Riders this year with my horse Philanthropy or Phil as we call him in the barn. I’ve had Phil for almost 5 years and in that time we’ve gone from Entry all the way up to Prelim and we recently completed our first CCI. Phil is a 13 year old thoroughbred with a golden retriever personality. His favourite treats are sugar cubes and his favourite trick is to give people kisses on command with his nose. I’ve been riding for as long as I can remember and I started eventing when I was 11. When I first heard about Young Riders I dreamed of the day that I would be able to go. The opportunity to compete at Young Riders has always been the goal I’ve worked towards and I’m so grateful and excited to finally see my dreams realized.

27 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

Meet Olivia! 

My name is Olivia MacLeod and my thoroughbred’s name is Watch Me Skip Away. In the barn, she goes by Skip or Skippy. We began our partnership in the fall of 2018. Skip originally came into my coach’s barn as a problem horse. At the time, I was ready to move from my pony to a horse. As soon as I tried Skip, we clicked instantly. I tried a few other horses, but I had already made up my mind that I wanted Skip to be my next partner! We started out competing at the pre-entry level, and now we successfully compete at the training level. We have been working hard in preparation for our first FEI 1*, which is going to be at the Eventing North American Young Rider Championships this July. Skippy has a lot of quirks; she gets very attached to other horses, she is extremely sassy (and has the nickname “grumpette”), and our whole barn schedule revolves around her! Although she requires a lot of work and extra attention, I could not ask for a better teammate. She tries so hard for me, and always puts in 100%. She is my heart horse, and I am so grateful for all of our adventures together. One fun fact about Skip is that she is super picky when it comes to horse treats, however she loves treats from Ginger Devil Equestrian! We are super excited to represent Ontario and Canada, along with some other talented young riders! Thank you to the OEA young rider program for making this opportunity possible!

27 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

Meet Alexa! 

My name is Alexa Maclaren and my horse’s name is Allemande (aka Whisper). I’ve been riding since I was 6 years old and actually started out in a western saddle.  The day that my goals in riding changed was the day that I got to sit in an english saddle and jump my pony for the first time.  I instantly decided jumping was for me! Through my years of riding I have learned to love every discipline of this sport, but cross country is what initially got me hooked. I was at our local hunter trials when my coach asked me if I wanted to jump the big bush obstacle on course. It was an immediate yes!  As soon as the adrenaline kicked in as we were flying through the air I immediately knew that this is what I wanted to pursue. As for Allemande, we became a team 3 years ago and have together worked hard to move up through the levels of eventing starting at pre-entry. NAYC has been a dream of mine ever since I started eventing and I am beyond excited to represent our province!

27 Jun 2024 by Saffron Klotz

Meet Avery! 

Hi! I’m Avery Tallman, and I have been selected to ride for Ontario in the CCI1* at the U25 YR Eventing Championship in the beautiful Mid-Atlantic region of Maryland. I am 17 years old and have been eventing for a little over three years under the guidance of the incredible mother-daughter team that is Selena and Morag O’Hanlon. My horse, Rehy Investor (affectionately known as Caymus, my mother’s favourite wine), is a 10-year-old Irish Sport Horse gelding whom we’ve had since he was four. Originally, he was my mom’s horse until we decided to make the ultimate pony swap (mostly because he was getting too frisky with her, which she would deny). My mother now rides my lovely little cob, Cashew, and I have taken Caymus as one of my main competition horses. Ever since i’ve had the ride on him we have truly been inseparable, eventually working up to the CCI1* level last November, which had been a longstanding dream of mine. With his intelligence and agility, he makes a great partner in all of the phases and is easily the most competitive horse I know. My other ride in the CCI1* is BDE Olympic Royale, an 8-year-old Irish Sport Horse mare and half sibling to Rehy Investor. I first met “Figgy” over in Ireland under the teachings of the amazing Ian Cassells. There was something special about her from the beginning; she was patient and forgiving (also a wicked jumper, but nonetheless). We decided to bring her home with us the same day. She has played a vital part in my knowledge and understanding of this sport, and her experience has made me believe against all of the ‘impossibles’. She recently took me around my first preliminary course and has been the one to hold my hand over all of the bigger tracks we’ve gone through together. This mare is so special to me and my team. With a kind eye and a winning heart, she always tries her best and has such a competitive spirit to her. I can’t thank Kendal and the selectors enough for giving me this opportunity. I hope to make the team proud! 🇨🇦

Donors / Words of Support (42)

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    Jacket Donations donated $800 CAD

    Jacket donations

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    Anonymous donated $200 CAD

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    Anonymous donated $100 CAD

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    Sandy sousa donated $100 CAD

    Best of luck to you all!! 🎉

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    Nathalie Bouchard and Peter Pledge donated $100 CAD

    Proud of you Chelsea! Good luck to you and your team!

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    Silent Auction donated $7,955 CAD

    Silent Auction

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    Maya Bhattacharjee donated $100 CAD

    Good luck to everyone on the team!

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    Steak Dinner donated $800 CAD

    Steak dinner

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    Vicki Lewis donated $100 CAD

    Best of luck to all the riders,Go ALex and Phil🇨🇦🇨🇦❤️

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    Sophie Vertigan donated $50 CAD


$13,594 CAD raised of $10,000 goal

42 donors
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    Silent Auction

    $7,955 CAD •  Top donation
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    Jacket Donations

    $800 CAD •  Recent donation
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    Gwen Lehari

    $100 CAD •  First donation

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